Zuni Fetishes

Collection: Zuni Fetishes

Zuni Fetishes brought directly to you from the Zuni Pueblo. A free mini pueblo pottery dish is included with every Zuni Fetish purchase. 29 Years online!
Zuni fetishes have a rich history, crafted by Pueblo Indians as symbols of protection and spiritual guidance. These carvings, made by talented artists like Andres Quandelacy and Bremette Epaloose, hold deep cultural significance, reflecting the Zuni people's respect for nature and the animals that inhabit it. More than just art, genuine Zuni fetishes are often blessed by a Shaman or Medicine Man and are believed to carry the power of the natural world. Each fetish is thought to possess specific qualities, such as the eagle's ability to carry prayers to the Divine or the bear's strength in ensuring a successful hunt. Owning a Zuni fetish connects you to centuries of tradition, making it a meaningful addition to any space.

Zuni Fetishes