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Steven Comosona

Soyoko Ogre Woman Zuni Kachina

Soyoko Ogre Woman Zuni Kachina

Regular price $112.00
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Artist:  Well known Zuni Kachina carver Steven Comasona

Medium:  Cottonwood root, stringy string hair, Felt shawl, wire cane,  feathers, leather and  fur

Size:  3 1/2" L x 2 7/8" W Base/ Kachina is 6" H x 3" Across x 3 1/2" Deep

Soyoko appears in the villages and goes door to door telling the children that they must catch mice, lizards and snakes for her to eat.  She gives them a certain amount of time to do this and leaves their home with the kids hiding behind their parents, with the promise that she will eat them if they have not done what they've been told to do when she returns!  The burden type basket on her back is to hold the "delicacies"  she requested when she returns.   The purpose of Soyoko is to teach the kids a lesson....if they do not do what they are told, there are consequences!  She carries a cane to catch the children with and a butcher knife covered in blood which has been used on her last "meal". 

  • A personal side note.  We have been at the Hopi villages when Soyoko is making her rounds accompanied by Chaveyo and Ogre guards,  They are SCARY but I love the roles they play!  Couldn't tell you how many times when our girls were growing up that we said we needed Soyoko around!
  • Great carving and meaning behind it!


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